"Nature itself is the best physician." - Hippocrates
Working with the mind and body in a variety of ways allows us to support our clients with all areas of health and wellness. Our advanced practitioners are trained in providing the safest and most therapeutic approaches to meet your goals of complete relaxation, medically complex symptoms and conditions, or anything in between.
Clinical massage therapy addresses restrictions within the musculoskeletal system - muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and fascia. It also improves circulatory and nervous system function.
Lymphatic Drainage addresses stagnation and toxic build-up in the lymph nodes, organs (tonsils, thymus, liver, spleen), lymph fluid and vessels. The lymphatic system is the body's detox and immune system.
All things begin as energy, including disease and symptoms. Energy medicine focuses on the electrical impulses and energy exhanges throughout the body, including chakras, magnetic fields, and energy meridians.
Craniosacral Therapy addresses the brain, spinal cord, nervous systems (gut, brain, heart), craniosacral system, and fascia system. It optimizes the flow of cerebrospinal fluid for proper body function.